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Staff Directory
Roseland Board of Education
100 Passaic Avenue
Roseland, NJ 07068
(973) 226-7644
Board Office | |||||||||||||||
Name | Position | Ext. | |||||||||||||
Giuseppe Leone | Superintendent | 315 | gleone@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Athena Demetropoulos | Secretary to the Superintendent | 315 | ademetropoulos@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Paul Murphy | Business Administrator/Board Secretary | 311 | pmurphy@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Lisa Barcia | Assistant to the Business Admin./Payroll/Accounts Payable | 312 | lbarcia@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Tom August | Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds | 319 | taugust@roselandnjboe.org |
Main Office | |||||||||||||||
Name | Position | Ext. | |||||||||||||
Raul Sandoval | Principal | 389 | rsandoval@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Robi Dallow | Secretary to the Principal | 389 | rdallow@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Frances Noronha | Nurse | 316 | fnoronha@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Steven Marx | School Safety Officer | 384 | smarx@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Lynn Cummings | School Counselor | 372 | lcummings@roselandnjboe.org |
Technology | |||||||||||||||
Name | Position | Ext. | |||||||||||||
Adam Rivera | Computer Technician | 374 | arivera@roselandnjboe.org |
Special Services | |||||||||||||||
Name | Position | Ext. | |||||||||||||
Richard Celebre | Director of Special Services | 389 | rcelebre@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Hannah Pollock | Speech Language Pathologist | 390 | hpollock@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Sharon Zeman | Speech Language Pathologist | 352 | szeman@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Meredith Del Bello | School Social Worker | 332 | mdelbello@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Maria Hunkele | School Psychologist | 320 | mhunkele@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Amy Guerriero | LDTC | 387 | aguerriero@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Gianna Vento | OT | 383 | gvento@roselandnjboe.org |
Special Area Teachers | |||||||||||||||
Name | Position | Ext. | |||||||||||||
Erin Adragna | Art Teacher | 347 | eadragna@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Heather Schimmel | Library Media Specialist | 317 | hschimmel@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Hope Kovera | Vocal Music Teacher | 360 | hkovera@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Sean Gavarny | Instrumental Music Teacher | 341 | sgavarny@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Michael Megaro | Physical Education Teacher | 365 | mmegaro@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
John Mitchell | Physical Education Teacher | 340 | jmitchell@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Michele Cruz | World Language Teacher | 331 | mcruz@roselandnjboe.org | ||||||||||||
Noha Sadany | ESL Teacher | 395 | nsadany@roselandnjboe.org |
Instructional Aides | |||||||||||||||
Name | Position | Ext. | |||||||||||||
Clara Beyer | Instructional Aide | cbeyer@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Aizhanayah Lee | Instructional Aide | alee@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Brielle Capitelli | Instructional Aide | bcapitelli@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Louise Circelli | Instructional Aide | lcircelli@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Dawn Cortez-Lambert | Instructional Aide | dlambert@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Michele Montesano | Instructional Aide | mmontesano@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Olivia Vallee | Instructional Aide | ovallee@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Darlene Leichter | Instructional Aide | daleichter@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Mary Garland | Instructional Aide | mgarland@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Margaret McCormack | Instructional Aide | mmccormack@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Monika Karbownik | Instructional Aide | mkarbownik@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Gabrielle Phillips | Instructional Aide | gphillips@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Stephanie Soprano | Instructional Aide | ssoprano@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Brianna Sullo | Instructional Aide | bsullo@roselandnjboe.org | |||||||||||||
Alexis Tanski | Instructional Aide | atanski@roselandnjboe.org |