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HIB Info

Mr. Raul Sandoval
Anti-Bullying Coordinator

973-226-7644 ext. 389

Mrs. Lynn Cummings
Anti-Bullying Specialist

973-226-7644 ext. 372

School Climate State Coordinator HIB@doe.nj.gov



September 22, 2021

September 22, 2021

A Note from Deanne Somers, Superintendent

Happy Fall Weather! The days are so nice (when not raining) for outside play, snack, and lunch! A perfect time for mums and pumpkins! Happy Autumnal Equinox!

Please be familiar with the Reopening 2.0 Plan or  Reopening 2.0 Presentation as it relates to all things health and safety. For example, do you know that:

  • If someone in your household is being tested, students should stay home?

  • Travel quarantine can be shortened to 7 days (from 10) with a negative PCR test during days 3-5?

  • If experiencing cold symptoms, children should be tested for COVID-19?

Don’t forget to regularly check the LCN COVID Dashboard and FAQ for updates on how Noecker School is doing, including positive cases and quarantining numbers (travel quarantine not included). A sample letter for when a class is affected and SO MUCH MORE information is available there. Have a question that is not listed? Use the Reopening 2.0 FAQ to ask it.

Reminder that a Roseland Board of Education Meeting is scheduled onsite at Noecker School for Thursday, September 23rd at 7:30 PM. Please follow all safety guidelines if attending in person. If unable to attend, you may Zoom In and Listen . Public comment is limited to those onsite.

   A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal

We are midway through the first full week of school and all is well at Noecker.  Students are now acclimated to the classroom and school routines.  I am delighted to see how engaged they are and enjoying a full day of school! 

A gentle reminder that if you have not already done so, please complete the 2021-2022 Student and Parent Handbook Acknowledgement Form .  We want to ensure that you are up to date on our guidelines, policies, code of conduct, and more!

Start Strong

Last spring, New Jersey students did not take the New Jersey Student Learning Assessment (NJSLA) due to the pandemic.  In order to satisfy the state and federal testing requirements, the New Jersey Department of Education notified school districts that they must administer the Start Strong assessments in the fall of 2021.  The Start Strong assessments are an abbreviated version of the NJSLA that focus on critical grade level standards.  Noecker students in grades 4-6 will be administered the Start Strong assessment during the week of October 4th.  You will receive a separate email with additional information prior to the week of testing.    

CogAT Screenings

Please check your email for information regarding CogAT screenings for students in grades 3-6!

   Parent Workshops

Last year, we held a series of social-emotional learning (SEL) parent workshops that centered on building resilience through loss and adversity.  The workshops were led by Jesse Bassett, Director of Education, of Good Grief ,  The June SEL workshop in the series was postponed and will now take place on October 13th.  We will distribute a flyer with more information as the date approaches.  


Mrs. Overbeck would like to make sure that family emergency/medical contact information in our student database is up to date.  If any emergency or medical contact information has changed, please resubmit this form to Mrs. Overbeck in the Board Office .  All kindergarten and new students are up to date, but we want to ensure that our database is accurate! Information such as an updated cell phone or email address that may have changed would be appreciated as well. 

A Note from Dr. Richard Celebre, Director of Special Services

Happy Wednesday Everyone! Our first five day week is almost in the books, and with it came the official start of related services. If you have questions about schedules of services, please reach out to your therapist directly, or your case manager. 

Social Skills Peer Models - *We are going to keep the sign up sheet open for another week to allow for any additional sign ups.* If your child is interested in participating in our Social Skills Program this year as a peer model, please complete and submit the attached form! If you have multiple children interested in participating, please complete one form per child. Thank you!

In the classrooms, I have been so happy to see that our students have transitioned back into the full day, five days a week, schedule smoothly. It is especially encouraging to see how well our (formerly) fully remote students from last year have gotten back into the swing of things here at school.

If you have any questions, concerns, or seek clarifications please do not hesitate to reach out to your case managers , and we will work to address them in a timely manner. That is all, for now, so thank you all for a great start to the year!

Helpful links:

Health and Safety

Please keep students home if they are not feeling well, even if it seems like “only a cold.” If students have traveled outside the tri-state area, someone in the household is waiting for test results, OR have been exposed to a positive person they should contact the school nurse and stay home until PCR testing or quarantine is complete. 

Symptoms of COVID are listed below and more information can be found in the Reopening 2.0 Presentation and Updated Health and Safety Commitment . Thank you for your continued diligence and support.

Bus Contact Information

For any bus-related concerns please contact Mrs. Byrnes at 973-398-3583, ext. 8 or wegroup@sussexcoop.org    

  Click here to view the Cub Scouts flyer!

Roseland HSA

HSA Welcome Letter, click here !

HSA Calendar of Events, click here !

Want to contact the H.S.A.? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com

Visit the HSA website by clicking here !