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HIB Info

Mr. Raul Sandoval
Anti-Bullying Coordinator

973-226-7644 ext. 389

Mrs. Lynn Cummings
Anti-Bullying Specialist

973-226-7644 ext. 372

School Climate State Coordinator HIB@doe.nj.gov



September 15, 2021

September 15, 2021

A Note from Deanne Somers, Superintendent

Good afternoon, Noecker Community! I hope you were able to attend the 2nd Virtual Back to School Night last night, but if not, never fear as the Google Site remains up for your viewing and reference! Use the buttons and tabs to visit the Ed Fair filled with community information and our Special Area teachers, see messages from the Superintendent, Principal, and Director of Special Services on the Administrator page, and (re)visit our awesome teachers’ and all of their incredible sites! Unfortunately, there were some power outages in Roseland last night, but hopefully they had minimal impact on your evening.

   Updates to the Reopening 2.0 Plan, Reopening 2.0 Presentation, and LCN COVID Dashboard and FAQ are available; the dashboard is updated (minimally) weekly. It is important to note that the majority of our health and safety measures in place last spring remain in place for the 1st Trimester after which time the Health and Safety Committee will review and revisit. We continue to have areas to tweak for improvement (as we would any new school year!) and appreciate your patience while we combine all the great things about being full day, every day with the constraints of the on-going pandemic.

   A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal

It's so nice to be back to somewhat of a "normal" routine!  We had a great opening and things are running smoother each day.  We thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

Last night we held our Virtual Back to School Night.  We hope you enjoyed the presentations and that you have an understanding of your child’s  academic programming.  As we look ahead to the coming months you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress at our November Parent-Teacher Conferences.  Information will be distributed to families as the date approaches.  

School Dress Code

As we enjoy the last month or so of great weather, please keep in mind our school’s dress code for students.  Although this is generally an issue for the upper grades, we want all parents to be aware of our dress code.  Below is taken directly from our Student and Parent Handbook , which we included in the August Packet for Back to School .


School attire should not be distracting or unsafe. All students’ midsections should be covered. Short shorts, spaghetti straps, or tank tops that are too tight, cut too low, are too short, or have giant holes in the arms (too big) are not permitted in school. Shorts must be fingertip length. Flip flops are not permitted. For safety reasons, physical education classes may have additional requirements. Please see Policy 5511

Mrs. Overbeck would like to make sure that family emergency/medical contact information in our student database is up to date.  If any emergency or medical contact information has changed, please resubmit this form to Mrs. Overbeck in the Board Office .  All kindergarten and new students are up to date, but we want to ensure that our database is accurate!. Information such as an updated cell phone or email address that may have changed would be appreciated as well. 

National Hispanic Heritage Month

From September 15th to October 15th, we recognize Hispanic Heritage Month.  The month is dedicated to honor the achievements  and contributions of Hispanic Americans who have inspired others to achieve success.  Students will be learning about HHM in their Spanish classes with Mrs. Cruz, our ESL and World Language Teacher.  Activities will be grade level appropriate and adapted to the level of understanding of students.  

Social Skills Peer Models

If your child is interested in participating in the Special Services Department’s Social Skills Program this year as a peer model, please complete and submit the attached form . The Social Skills Program is implemented to facilitate social skills development, occurring one time per week during non-academic areas for approximately 20 minutes. The children look forward to this program for a variety of reasons.  It affords them the opportunity to socialize with peers, make and maintain friendships, and take a break from the intensity of their academic day.  * If you have multiple children interested in participating, please complete one form per child. Thank you!*

Picture Day

Don’t forget! Wednesday, September 22nd is Picture Day.  Please click here to view BNL’s flyer!  

A Note from Dr. Richard Celebre, Director of Special Services

Happy first “full” week! I hope everyone is easing into the start of the new school year successfully, reacclimating to the full day schedule, and getting ready for a great 2021-2022 school year. For those who may be new to the district, or just new to the Special Services Department, this weekly newsletter will serve as our place for updates, information on upcoming meetings, and links to helpful resources. I want to also thank everyone who was able to join us for last night’s Virtual BtSN. If for some reason you were unable to attend, please take a moment to visit your children’s teacher’s Google Sites for introductions and other important information. 

Social Skills Peer Models - *If your child is interested in participating in our Social Skills Program this year as a peer model, please complete and submit the attached form! If you have multiple children interested in participating, please complete one form per child. Thank you!*

Update - Related Services will begin next week starting Monday, September 20th.
If you have any questions, concerns, or seek clarifications please do not hesitate to reach out to your case managers , and we will work to address them in a timely manner. That is all, for now, so thank you all for a great start to the year!

Helpful links:

Health and Safety

Please keep students home if they are not feeling well, have traveled outside the tri-state area, OR have been exposed to a positive person. Symptoms of COVID are listed below and more information can be found in the Reopening 2.0 Presentation and Updated Health and Safety Commitment . Thank you for your continued diligence and support.

  Click here to view the Cub Scouts flyer!

Roseland HSA

Want to contact the H.S.A.? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com

Visit the HSA website by clicking here !

Yom Kippur - School Closed


G'mar chatima tova to our families observing Yom Kippur.

September 16th

Pumpkin Path and Mums Sale Order Form due!

September 19th

Picture Day 


HSA Meeting, 7:30 pm

September 22nd

Board of Education Meeting, 7:30 pm

September 23rd

6th Grade Car Wash at First Aid Squad, 10:00 am (rain date September 26th)

September 25th

HSA Back to School Picnic, 5:00 pm (rain date September 30th)


HSA Clothing Drive

September 29th