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HIB Info

Mr. Raul Sandoval
Anti-Bullying Coordinator

973-226-7644 ext. 389

Mrs. Lynn Cummings
Anti-Bullying Specialist

973-226-7644 ext. 372

School Climate State Coordinator HIB@doe.nj.gov



October 27, 2021

October 27, 2021

A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal

I hope this message finds you healthy and in good spirits as we approach the festivities and traditions of the holiday season.  At Noecker our classrooms are buzzing with excitement and students are delving deeper into academic content.  In 2nd grade, students are exploring how to write a powerful ending to a story using mentor texts.   In 5th grade, students are studying characters and noticing the obstacles they face and how they respond to them.  In 6th grade science, students are learning about the phases of the moon and eclipses.  

As a parent I often ask my kids, “How was school?”  I have to remind myself that what I should ask is, “What did you learn or what are you studying in school?” If I don’t, the answer to the first question is usually, “Gooood.”

  We are carefully watching the forecast for Friday and hoping the weather is on our side.  We ask that you not arrive earlier than 12:45 pm to park due to pre-K bus and car arrival.  In addition, we ask that you not walk to the blacktop prior to 1:20 pm.  There will be classes outside for the last period of recess.  We will update all families via e-blast by 11:00 am on Friday morning as to the status of the parade. If you have not already done so, please make sure to review the parade guidelines and procedures listed in the October 20th eblast.     


Message from BNL: November 3rd is Picture Retake Day! Students who have already taken their picture, and would like to place an order, can do so by using the personal web passcode provided on the Last Chance Form.  Please note that the code listed on the attached flyer is for students who were absent and have not taken their picture.  Using this personal passcode will allow you to view their pictures before purchasing.  

A Note from Deanne Somers, Superintendent

Wishing all of our families a very Happy Halloween! *fingers crossed* for parade day!

Magic is really very simple, all you've got to do is want something and then let yourself have it. Aggie Cromwell

A Note from Dr. Richard Celebre, Director of Special Services

With our last Wednesday in October, I want to share one last ADHD Awareness month fact as well as bring attention to the fact that October was also Down Syndrome Awareness month. In previous years, as well as this year, we have recognized National Down Syndrome Day in March. However, I would never want to pass up an opportunity to bring awareness and knowledge to our families. 

ADHD Awareness Fact: A wealth of research has found that the brains of individuals with ADHD have differences related to development, metabolism, and the volume of several brain structures.

For additional information, facts, resources, and support please visit the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) website .

Down Syndrome Awareness Fact: Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring chromosomal condition. Approximately one in every 700 babies in the United States is born with Down syndrome – about 6,000 each year. For additional information, facts, resources, and support please visit the Down Syndrome International (DSi) website.

Also of note, yesterday the Special Education Parent/Administration Collaboration participated in our first collaborative planning meeting. We are beginning our work on developing a Google Site, which will serve as a central hub for information, as well as identifying topics for a workshop series that we will begin this year. I invite you to please submit ideas for topics or community needs to my email ( RCelebre@roselandnjboe.org ). For more information, please take a look at the Special Education Parent/Administration Collaboration letter that went out yesterday. 

Helpful links:

If you have any questions, concerns, or seek clarifications please do not hesitate to reach out to your case managers , and we will work to address them in a timely manner. 

Health and Safety - the Fall Health & Safety Commitment is due Monday, November 8th. Hard copies will be distributed this week with email reminders to follow. Thank you!

Travel Updates

Travel Restrictions were updated effective October 19th. Please see the LCN COVID-19 Dashboard for more information, including status updates on our district.

( Domestic Travel) Unvaccinated Individuals:

  • may get a PCR test 3-5 days after domestic travel and may return no earlier than day 4 with a negative test result. Negative PCR tests must be provided to the school nurse prior to returning to school.

  • who do not get tested must self-quarantine for 10 days after domestic travel.

  • The travel quarantine does not apply to NY, PA, and DE.

( International Travel) Unvaccinated Individuals:

  • may get a PCR test 3-5 days after international travel and may return no earlier than day 8 with a negative test result. Negative PCR tests must be provided to the school nurse prior to returning to school.

  • who don’t get tested must self-quarantine for 10 days after international travel.

Noecker Halloween Parade, 1:45 pm 

*weather permitting*

October 29th

Photo Retakes

November 3rd

Early Dismissal (12:55 PM) Conference Days 

November 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

School Closed - NJEA Convention

November 4th and 5th

HSA Meeting, 7:30 pm 

November 10th 

Veterans Day Virtual Program

November 11th

Board of Education Meeting, 7:30 pm

November 18th

  Time to check the Lost and Found!

Bus Contact Information

For any bus-related concerns please contact Mrs. Byrnes at 973-398-3583, ext. 8 or wegroup@sussexcoop.org    

Roseland HSA

HSA Calendar of Events, click here !

Want to contact the H.S.A.? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com

Visit the HSA website by clicking here !

Halloween Trunk or Treat!   Winter Youth Basketball Leagues!   Bond Force Park Cleanup!

  5th Grade Halloween Dance