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May 12, 2021
Please keep children home if they have ANY COVID-19 Symptoms .
The LCN COVID-19 Dashboard and FAQ has additional information. |
A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal
On behalf of all of us at Noecker, I would like to extend a big Thank You to the HSA for Staff Appreciation Week. We absolutely loved all of the daily treats and surprises. The zoom raffle was especially exciting. Staff members were smiling, laughing and carrying on about who won and what the prizes were. It was a special week and we feel appreciated. Thank you, once again!
Registration for the summer enrichment program (for incoming 1st through 6th graders) is now open! For more information about the program, please refer to the e-blast that was sent out on Monday, May 10th. Programs will run from July 6th to July 30th, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm . To register please click here ! The deadline has been extended to Monday, May 17th at 3:00 pm.
Scholastic Book Fair
Today was our first day of the Scholastic Book Fair. Students were buzzing with excitement. It is always great to see kids excited about books! It was also great to meet our parent volunteers. We appreciate you taking the time to help our teachers and students navigate the great selection of books. This is the first time we have held it outside and the weather could not have been more perfect! We look forward to another great day tomorrow.
SEL Parent Workshops
On Monday, we held Session 2 of our four part workshop series. We will be posting a recording of the session and additional resources from the workshop shortly. To RSVP for the May 25th workshop , Session 3: Coping with Adversity: Adaptive Skills to Build Resilience please click here !
Session 1, Navigating Through Loss and Adversity, CLICK HERE for Video (password: RoselandParents4/27)
Session 2 - Raising and Empowering Resilient, Self-Reliant Children
(Stay tuned for the recorded session and resources)
Up Next:
May 25th - Coping With Adversity: Adaptive Skills to Build Resilience
(Zoom Meeting ID: 844 7308 1763 and Passcode: 879320)
June 2nd - Being is Doing: Supportive Communication Practices
The workshops are 60 minutes and begin at 6:30pm via Zoom. Please see click here and here to view the flyers for all four workshops. If you have additional questions please contact our School Counselor, Mrs. Cummings at lcummings@roselandnjboe.org .
A Note from Deanne Somers, Superintendent
We sure wish the weather would warm up just a bit, but the sunshine is appreciated! 🌞 Thank you to everyone who has helped ensure the last several weeks have gone so smoothly and “normally!” Teacher Appreciation Week was AMAZING ( thank you, thank you!! ), it’s BOOK FAIR time, arrival/dismissal are working (surprisingly!) well, and we are all looking forward to the weeks to come as so many special events are on the horizon!
The next Roseland Board of Education Meeting will be held virtually on Thursday, May 20th ( click here for directions ). The 2019/2020 School Performance Report will be shared! We hope you can join us.
A Note from Richard Celebre, Supervisor of Special Services
Please join us for the SEPAC’s “Starting and Running an Effective Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)” meeting Thursday, May 13th, at 7PM. Registration link and additional information are available on the linked flyer. We will be joined once again by Ms. Monique Dujue-Wilson from SPAN, who will help to facilitate this informative and important workshop. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Remember to check the Special Services Google Site for *RESOURCES,* updates, and other useful information!
For helpful resources, please utilize the SPAN Resource page .
Our Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a great resource that is available.
Like the Roseland SEPAC Page on Facebook .
SPRING STUDENT HEALTH COMMITMENT verifies that you are aware of the travel guidelines and that your child has NOT traveled within the last 14 days, that your child has not been exposed to a positive individual or someone waiting for test results, and that your child does NOT have COVID symptoms . Please see the form, below, or the COVID-19 FAQ & Dashboard for additional information.
The CDC recommends delaying travel until you are fully vaccinate d because travel increases your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. Based upon guidance from our local DOH, unvaccinated individuals who travel beyond our immediate region are required to quarantine for 14 days . We recognize that the CDC/NJDOH have revised recommendations, but specific ones do apply to schools. Our continued focus is on health and safety; we ask for your support and understanding as we complete the last few weeks of school.
From the CDC: You and your travel companions (including children ) pose a risk to your family, friends, and community for 14 days after you travel. Unvaccinated people who travel should avoid being around people who are at increased risk for severe illness for 14 days, whether they get tested or not.
Important Notes From the School Nurse
Attention 5th Grade Families ! Certain vaccines are required prior to entering 6th grade. Please click here to view an important letter.
Please note that health screenings have begun. If your child is remote and you need your child screened, please contact the health office.
It is IMPERATIVE that any student who has been exposed to a positive person, traveled outside of the immediate area, is in a household with a symptomatic person, OR has any COVID symptoms (see below), not attend school. Quarantine timelines vary depending upon exposure, PCR test results, and travel, so please communicate promptly and contact the health office for assistance. Thank you! |
TWO or More Symptoms
Keep Child at Home and Notify the School |
One or More Symptoms
Keep Child at Home and Notify the School |
Muscle Aches
Sore Throat
Nausea or Vomiting
Congestion/Runny Nose |
Shortness of Breath
Difficulty Breathing
New Loss of Smell
New Loss of Taste |
Essex County Covid Vaccine Video . You can schedule a vaccine or a test at www.essexcovid.org |
Roseland HSA
Want to contact the H.S.A.? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com
Visit the HSA website by clicking here !
NEW! - West Essex Varsity Field Hockey: Captains Practice - Click here for flyer!
NEW! - West Essex Cowboys Cheerleading - Click here for flyer!
SEPAC “Starting and Running an Effective Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)” |
Thursday, May 20th 7:30 PM ( virtual ) |
SEL Parent Workshop: Coping With Adversity: Adaptive Skills to Build Resilience |
Tuesday, May 25th |
SEL Parent Workshop: Being is Doing: Supportive Communication Practices |
Wednesday, June 2nd |
FREE breakfasts AND lunches available for Noecker students - click here !
Transportation Contact Information: For any bus-related concerns please contact Mrs. Byrnes at 973-398-3583, ext. 8 or wegroup@sussexcoop.or g