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Preschool-Kindergarten Registrations
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HIB Info

Mr. Raul Sandoval
Anti-Bullying Coordinator

973-226-7644 ext. 389

Mrs. Lynn Cummings
Anti-Bullying Specialist

973-226-7644 ext. 372

School Climate State Coordinator HIB@doe.nj.gov



March 31, 2021

March 31, 2021

Please keep children home if they have ANY COVID-19 Symptoms


 April 12th Health & Safety Commitment 

All students will be required to return a signed Health Commitment Form to school the weeks of April 12th and April 19th. Hard copies will be provided!


Please review TRAVEL Information below!

A Note from Deanne Somers, Superintendent We are looking forward to our April 26th date and VERY BUSY scheduling and planning for the return of students to five days a week! As a reminder, we will follow our current hybrid schedule upon return from Spring Break and then transition to our new schedule (8:45 AM - 1:05 PM, everyday for K-6) on the 26th. More to come!

Friday, April 2nd - Friday, April 9th TRAVEL   

THANK YOU FOR NOTIFYING US OF YOUR PLANS! We are following the recommendation of our Department of Health and the March 23rd NJDOH guidelines for schools. School is considered a "congregate setting," our Northeast region remains at the Orange or High Risk level , and our focus remains on health and safety for our school community, thus we are maintaining the 14-day quarantine after travel out of the immediate area (New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) regardless of vaccines or previously positive status. Please also be cognizant of hosting guests who travel and pay special attention to COVID-19 symptoms . Please let us know if you are traveling and if your child(ren) will be quarantining so that we can be prepared to support them. 

A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal

As we march into April and spring break, I wanted to alert parents that our arrival and dismissal procedures will be changing! As noted, the master schedule will change for all students starting April 26th.  However, we will be implementing a new arrival and dismissal procedure starting April 19th .  Our goal is to ease into the new April 26th schedule.  Please be on the lookout for information after spring break.  We thank you for your anticipated cooperation and assistance as we transition to the next phase!

RSVP for Kindergarten Virtual Open House

We will be holding a Kindergarten Virtual Open House on Thursday, April 22nd at 6:30 pm . Parents of future kindergarteners will have the opportunity to learn all about the curriculum and meet the teachers during a Q&A session.  Please RSVP with Mrs. Dallow at rdallow@roselandnjboe.org  

Tomorrow is our last day of March Madness! Click here to view our flyer!

The Roseland Public Library is honored to host the Lester C. Noecker's 6th Grade Artifact Museum Exhibit. Come and view the artifacts the 6th graders have made to visualize history! The exhibit will be held from Monday, April 12th through Saturday, May 1st. Come visit at any time! Please make sure you wear your masks when entering the library and maintain social distancing while viewing the artifacts which will be displayed in the quiet room at the back of the library.  Any questions please call the library. Click HERE for the library’s hours and website! Thank you, Noecker 6th graders, and Thank you, Roseland Library!

Message from BNL 

BNL School Pictures will be hosting an ABSENTEE on location picture day at their Marlboro, New Jersey location.   This event was created as a last chance option for any students who missed having school pictures taken in this 2020-2021 year.  Please note all appointments must be scheduled using this link . We cannot accept any walk-in appointments to assure safety  and social distancing to all attendees.  We look forward to seeing many smiling faces on April 17th! Please click here and here to view the BNL flyers.  

Message from Maschio’s

To celebrate Earth Day  2021, and add a little fun to this crazy upside down year, Maschio’s Food Services green committee – Sustainable Maschio’s -  invite you to participate virtually in our Earth Day Contest!  Please click here to view our flyer.  Click here to take our recycling survey.  Your participation is greatly appreciated!

A Note from Rich Celebre, Supervisor of Special Services

I hope everyone is doing well, staying healthy, and getting ready for the upcoming time off to relax and recharge before we get ready for the last few months of the school year. When we return from our Spring Break, we will be kicking off our Autism Acceptance Month with a Noecker Spirit Wear Day. From there, the Autism Acceptance Month Planning Committee has put together a month-long program of activities that are focused on growing knowledge and acceptance with the goal of educating our students. Thank you all, in advance, for your support. 

Helpful Links:

SPRING STUDENT HEALTH COMMITMENT - PLEASE return the week of April 12th form on Monday (or Tuesday if a B Day Student)! Please complete ONE FORM each week for each child. 

On the form , you will need to check to verify:

  • that you are aware of the travel guidelines and that your child has NOT traveled within the last 14 days.

  • that your child has not been exposed to a positive individual or someone waiting for test results.

  • that your child does NOT have COVID symptoms.

  • and then sign and date.

Thank you for your continued support and diligence! Please see the form or the COVID-19 FAQ & Dashboard for additional information.

Important Notes From the School Nurse

Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health screenings such as vision, hearing, scoliosis, and heights and weights will be postponed at this time. Please contact Nurse Noronha if you wish your child to be screened.

It is IMPERATIVE that any student who has been

exposed to a positive person,

traveled outside of the immediate area,

is in a household with a symptomatic person, OR

has any COVID symptoms (see below), not attend school. 

Quarantine timelines vary depending upon exposure, test results, and travel, so please communicate promptly and contact Nurse Noronha for assistance. 

Please keep your child home, including siblings , if he/she has any COVID-19-like symptoms or has been exposed. If someone in the house is being tested, household members should likewise remain home until the test results come back and next steps can be determined. Thank you!

TWO or More Symptoms

Keep Child at Home and Notify the School

One or More Symptoms

Keep Child at Home and Notify the School



Muscle Aches


Sore Throat

Nausea or Vomiting



Congestion/Runny Nose



Shortness of Breath

Difficulty Breathing

New Loss of Smell

New Loss of Taste

Essex County Covid Vaccine Video . You can schedule a vaccine or a test at www.essexcovid.org  

Attention 5th Grade Families ! Certain vaccines are required prior to entering 6th grade. Please click here to view an important letter.

Roseland HSA

Want to contact the H.S.A.? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com

Visit the HSA website by clicking here !

NEW! Mother of the Year Contest   - Click here for more details!

NEW! Coffee With a Cop - Click here for more details!

Image result for Upcoming Events graphic

REMINDER : Delayed Openings & Snow Days

Inclement Weather Letter - UPDATED

“Delayed Openings” will follow the hybrid schedule, but be REMOTE.

A Day/B Day Schedule

Remote Daily Attendance Link

To be counted as present for the day - ATTENDANCE - ALL STUDENTS Grades 3-6 must complete attendance daily while on remote instruction.

Genesis Portal is OPEN

School Closed - Spring Break

Friday, April 2nd - Sunday, April 11th


Autism Acceptance Month Noecker Spirit Wear Day (Click here )

Monday, April 12th ( Health Commitment Required )

HSA Chipotle Fundraiser (Click here )

Wednesday, April 14th

Kindergarten Virtual Open House

Thursday, April 22nd at 6:30 pm 

NEW Daily Schedule Begins!

Monday, April 26th

  • FREE breakfasts AND lunches available for Noecker students - click here !

  • Transportation Contact Information: For any bus-related concerns please contact Mrs. Byrnes at 973-398-3583, ext. 8 or wegroup@sussexcoop.or g

  • Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health screenings such as vision, hearing, scoliosis, and heights and weights will be postponed at this time.