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HIB Info

Mr. Raul Sandoval
Anti-Bullying Coordinator

973-226-7644 ext. 389

Mrs. Lynn Cummings
Anti-Bullying Specialist

973-226-7644 ext. 372

School Climate State Coordinator HIB@doe.nj.gov



February 7, 2024

February 7, 2024


  A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal

In January students learned about the work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  In February we recognize Black History Month! Across content areas and grade levels students are learning about important individuals like Ruby Bridges and George Washington Carver and their contributions.  In the upper grades students are using resources like Britannica Online to research other important African-American figures that have contributed in so many ways!  

Essex County Gifted & Talented 

The Essex County Gifted & Talented Steering Committee hosted its annual Totally Global Competition today at Noecker School. Gifted students in grades 4-5 from Roseland, Belleville, Essex Fells, and Cedar Grove worked in mixed teams to solve various social studies related problems. There were problems about state capitals, NJ counties, US presidents, longitude & latitude, and much more! The teams with the highest scores received trophies for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place. Four Noecker students were on the winning teams! Congratulations to Sasha Tolstonogova & Jonah Seide on the 1st place team, Cadence Wang on the 2nd place team, and Hunter McLaughlin on the 3rd place team! We are so proud of all of the students! Thank you to Ms. Clarke & the 6th grade G&T students for organizing and running the event. 

Books Are In The Bag Contest

Mrs. Schimmel is excited to announce that she is holding a "Books Are In The Bag" book character contest again this year! All students received a brown paper bag today along with contest guidelines.  This contest is OPTIONAL, but most of the students seem very excited about it.  All entries will receive a bookmark. In addition, one entry per grade will win a $15 gift certificate to spend at the book fair, courtesy of the HSA. Entries are due by February 22.  Please email Mrs. Schimmel with any questions:  hschimmel@roselandnjboe.org

Bus Contact Information

During school office hours (8:00 am to 4:15 pm) you may contact Robi Dallow at extension 389.  If any bus-related issues or concerns need immediate attention after hours (after 4:15 pm) please contact Michelle Ketch of the Sussex County Regional Cooperative at 973-398-3583 (Monday-Friday until 5:00 pm) or at wegroup@sussexcoop.org .  

Genesis and Student Attendance

A gentle reminder that if your child is absent, you must enter it into Genesis via the Genesis Parent Portal.  Please click here to visit the step-by-step guide that was included in our Welcome Back Letter.  

Maschio’s Food Service

Healthy Smart Snacks are available to students, À La Carte - Click here for more information!

Please click here to view a flyer from Maschio’s Food Service.

PreK Delayed Opening Adjustment - Effective immediately  

In the event of a Delayed Opening, our PreK schedule will be as follows:

  • AM PreK session will attend school from 11:00 - 12:30. 

  • PM PreK session will attend school from 1:30 - 3:00 .

Employment Opportunities 

Noecker is seeking qualified candidates to fill open positions.  Most notably, we do have instructional aide positions still available at this time! Please visit the employment opportunities section of our website by clicking here !

Helpful Links from the Department of Special Services

The first set of triannual progress reports will be mailed out at the end of the week. Please, keep a lookout in your mailbox for them as they come in. To help with understanding the information, please utilize the attached “ cheat sheet ”!

If you have any questions, concerns, or seek clarifications please do not hesitate to reach out to your case managers , and we will work to address them in a timely manner. 

Health Office 💗

A friendly reminder that Noecker requires that you should not send your child to school if they present with the following:

  • Fever in the past 24 hours. Do not give “Tylenol” before school, in an attempt to “get through the day”. Must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school without the use of fever-reducing medicine.

  • Flu-like symptoms - Must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school without the use of fever-reducing medicine.

  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past 24 hours - Must be illness-free for 24 hours before returning to school.

  • Bad cold, with a very runny nose or sore throat with a bad cough, especially if it has kept the child awake at night or cannot participate in school.

  • Unknown rashes- Must be seen by a physician to be identified and return to school only if the student is not contagious with a doctor’s note stating this with the diagnosis.

  • Strep Throat- Must be on an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning to school.

  • Conjunctivitis- Must be on prescription eye drops 24 hours before returning to school.



2023-2024 District Calendar

Noecker Cares School Spirit Week

February 5th - February 9th

G&T Totally Global Event at Noecker


HSA After School Clubs Begin!


HSA Meeting, 7:00 pm

February 7th

Early Dismissal, 12:55 pm

February 16th

School Closed - Presidents Day 

February 19th

School Closed - Professional Development Day for Teachers                                                              

February 20th

HSA Book Fair

February 29th and March 1st                                                                  



We always have items in our Lost and Found!

Bus Contact Information

For any bus-related concerns please contact 

Michelle Ketch

 at 973-398-3583 (Mon-Fri until 5:00 pm), 

or wegroup@sussexcoop.org    

Roseland HSA

Want to contact the HSA? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com  

Visit the HSA website by clicking here !

Roseland Recreation Department Events

Click here to visit the Rec Department website!


Click here for the latest!


Mother of the Year Contest!


Easter Egg-Stravaganza!


West Essex FC!




Click here to visit the  Roseland Public Library’s website!


Click here for the latest!






Cub Scouts


Click here to see their flyer!