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February 3, 2021
A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal
While our primary mission is to meet the needs of our students, we cannot forget about you , our parents! As parents we focus so much on our children’s needs and our work life that we seldom practice self-care. I completely understand the challenge of taking care of oneself, especially in the midst of a pandemic. However, unless we practice self-care we cannot be at our very best for our loved ones. In Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus you will find information about being realistic, reconnecting with things you enjoy, and other important tips. Remember, self-care is not selfish!
February 1st through February 5th is National School Counseling Week !
Each year the American School Counselor Association reminds us about the important work school counselors do each and every day for our students. Our very own School Counselor, Mrs. Cummings is no exception. She has been working one-on-one, in small-groups, and with entire grade levels providing yoga classes, mindfulness, and many other activities. Her work focuses on ensuring that we support the social and emotional needs of our students. Kudos to Mrs. Cummings and all school counselors out there who continue to do great work!
Valentine’s Day at Noecker
We will continue with Valentine’s Day celebrations upon our return to hybrid instruction! Please be on the lookout for communication from your child’s homeroom teacher and/or the class parent.
A Note from Deanne Somers, Superintendent
Due to two unrelated positive COVID-19 cases in our district, and under the guidance of the East Hanover (Roseland) Department of Health, Noecker School is operating on our Remote Learning Schedule until we are able to return to our hybrid schedule on Tuesday, February 16th . Teachers may be in contact regarding bin pick ups and Valentine’s Day!
Please be on the lookout for another parent survey! Our mid-November survey found the majority of our parents feeling positive (as one can be during a pandemic) about both instruction and the schedule(s). In our second teacher survey, our teachers reported being on track with pacing and student mastery of core content. We continue to seek opportunities to support socio-emotional learning and connection as those areas were identified in both community and teacher surveys. We also remain focused on where and how to improve student experiences whether hybrid or remote.
*Warning!* Please be aware that we included three (3) Snow Days in our 2020-2021 district calendar, and we have used all three! If additional days are required this winter, we will consider utilizing remote learning days to avoid adding days to the end of the school year.
Essex County Covid Vaccine Video . You can schedule a vaccine or a test at www.essexcovid.org
It is IMPERATIVE that any student who has been
exposed to a positive person,
is in a household with a symptomatic person, OR
has any COVID symptoms (see below), not attend school.
Quarantine timelines vary, so please communicate promptly and contact Nurse Noronha for assistance. We work very closely with the Roseland (East Hanover) Health Department. Please be advised that ANY travel out of the tri-state area requires a 14-day quarantine upon return. You may refer to the LCN COVID-19 Dashboard and FAQ for additional information . Please continue to contact Nurse Noronha with updates on quarantining or positive test results . Thank you!
Any child with COVID symptoms will require a negative test result or the completion of isolation prior to returning to Noecker School ( January 2021 NJDOH/AAP Guidance )
TWO or More Symptoms
Keep Child at Home and Notify the School |
One or More Symptoms
Keep Child at Home and Notify the School |
A Note from Rich Celebre, Supervisor of Special Services
Happy Wednesday! After a snowy first few days of the week, we are finally back together (albeit remotely for the time being). I wanted to bring your attention to a new link in the “Helpful Links” section below, as the SEPAC Facebook page is now available! An upcoming SEPAC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 18th and additional information will be made available as soon as possible. Stay safe (and warm!).
Helpful Links:
Remember to check the Special Services Google Site for teacher updates, assignments, and other useful information.
Also of note, our Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a great resource that is available.
Like the Roseland SEPAC Page on Facebook !
Ideas for at home movement breaks - Indoor Obstacle Course & Sensory - Motor Walk Stations .
Early Intervention information from the New Jersey Early Intervention System (NJEIS) - NJEIS Postcard , NJEIS Service Options Information , and the NJEIS Brochure .
Kindergarten Registration Information for 2021-2022
The Kindergarten registration packet is located on our website at www.roselandnjboe.org -Click on Kindergarten. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Overbeck at coverbeck@roselandnjboe.org
Important Notes From the School Nurse
** Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health screenings such as vision, hearing, scoliosis, and heights and weights will be postponed at this time.**
Please continue to monitor the guidelines found in the Updated January 2021 Health and Safety Commitment and notify Nurse Noronha if any member of your family has been exposed to anyone who has tested positive or is awaiting a test result of a symptomatic close contact. Thank you for your continued cooperation.
**If your child is sent home or stays home due to any of the symptoms below, a negative test result will be required to return from school.**
Roseland HSA
HSA Valentine's Day Chocolate Sale - January 20th to February 7th - Click here for more information
Want to contact the H.S.A.? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com
Visit the HSA website by clicking here !
REMINDER : Delayed Openings & Snow Days
Inclement Weather Letter - UPDATED
Snow days - likely to be remote; we are out of snow days!
“Delayed Openings” will follow the hybrid schedule, but be REMOTE. |
To be counted as present for the day - ATTENDANCE - ALL STUDENTS Grades 3-6 must complete attendance daily while on remote instruction. |
YUM! Valentine’s Day Chocolate Sale (click here ) |
January 20th to February 7th |
💗 Happy Valentine’s Day!
Grades 3-6 Regular Schedule (1:05 Dismissal) |
Friday, February 12th |
Monday, February 15th |
Return to HYBRID Schedule (B Day) |
Tuesday, February 16th |
NEW Noecker Nights at Verona Inn Tavern! (click here ) |
Tuesday, March 2nd |
HSA Valentine's Day Chocolate Sale - January 20th to February 7th - Click here for more information
Caldwell Little League Registration - Click here for flyer
FREE breakfasts AND lunches available for Noecker students - click here !
Transportation Contact Information: For any bus-related concerns please contact Mrs. Byrnes at 973-398-3583, ext. 8 or wegroup@sussexcoop.or g