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HIB Info

Mr. Raul Sandoval
Anti-Bullying Coordinator

973-226-7644 ext. 389

Mrs. Lynn Cummings
Anti-Bullying Specialist

973-226-7644 ext. 372

School Climate State Coordinator HIB@doe.nj.gov



August 31, 2022

August 31,  2022

  A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal

I hope all Noecker families had a wonderful and relaxing summer.  We’ve had a busy and productive July and August preparing for opening day on September 6th.  Along with the return of normalcy, comes change; I’d like to welcome our new Superintendent, Mr. Leone.  I am confident that he feels just as welcome as I felt when I joined Noecker in 2020.  We look forward to supporting his leadership and vision for the district this year and beyond.  

Back to School Night s

As we return to a more traditional school opening, we will once again have two back to school nights to accommodate all families.  September 14th will be for PreK through 2nd grade and September 15th for grades 3 through 6.  For both evenings we will also have the Educational Fair.  More information will be distributed as the date approaches.


Please make sure to set your default pickup mode on the PikMyKid app.  Remember that you can always customize the calendar to accommodate changes throughout  the school year.  If you need to make changes the day of, please make sure to do so prior to 2:45 pm.  Dismissal is one of the busiest times of the day If you are not able to access PMK please contact Mrs. Dallow in the main office.  

Early Pickup

For early pickup please make sure to email your child’s homeroom teacher as well as Mrs. Dallow and Mr. Marx .  Doing so will ensure that your child is ready for an early pickup!  

School Lunch

If you haven’t already done so please visit our website to complete a lunch application (click here ).  

Busing Information

Please be on the lookout for a separate e-blast regarding busing information!

Dress Code Reminder

As a parent of two teenagers, I know the struggle of ensuring they are dressed appropriately for school.   Please make sure to review the dress code with your child, especially if they are in the upper grades.  As per our Student-Parent Handbook: School attire should not be distracting or unsafe. All students’ midsections should be covered. Short shorts, spaghetti straps, or tank tops that are too tight, cut too low, are too short, or have giant holes in the arms (too big) are not permitted in school. Shorts must be fingertip length. Flip flops are not permitted. For safety reasons, physical education classes may have additional requirements. Please see our district policy by clicking here.

   A Note from Dr. Richard Celebre, Director of Special Services

We are officially less than one week away from the start of the 2022-2023 school year, and I am excited to welcome everyone back! From the Department of Special Services’ perspective, this will be a “traditional” year in the sense that we will be opening the year with no restrictions to student movement, programming, etc. For those that may be new to the district or working with the Department, or for those that may just need a refresher, a few of the key items to look out for during the year are:

  • Annual Review Meeting - Coordinated and scheduled with your child’s Case Manager, the annual review meeting is an opportunity to review and revise the IEP and determine placement, goals, and services for the next year. 

  • Triannual Progress Reports - Formal updates on your child’s progress and growth towards the individualized goals & objectives developed within their IEP. These will be completed by teachers/therapists and mailed home in line with the trimesters.

  • Confidentiality - One of the main tenets of our Department is a dedication and commitment to ensuring confidentiality for all students and families. Members of our team will not discuss other students’ programs, services, or plans with other families. I respectfully request that families also provide one another the same respect. Thank you!

  • On-Going (two way!) Communication - Whether through this Wednesday notification, direct correspondences with the Child Study Team or teachers & therapists, or Department focused email blasts communication will be on-going throughout the year. I strongly encourage (and welcome) the practice of two way communication, where you the parents feel comfortable reaching out to ask questions, seek clarifications, or even share a compliment of our wonderful staff. 

  • Roseland SEPAC - The Special Education Parent Advisory Council is a volunteer group of parents and guardians that provides input to the district as well as provides resources to parents and caregivers of children with special needs. Be on the lookout for the beginning of the year and sign up information!

Helpful links:


If you have any questions, concerns, or seek clarifications please do not hesitate to reach out to your case managers , and we will work to address them in a timely manner. 



THIS YEAR! 2022-2023 District Calendar

PreK and Kindergarten Meet & Greet

(Meet at flagpole)

September 1st, 2:00 pm

School Closed

September 2nd and September 5th

First Day of School

September 6th

Back to School Night, PreK-2nd

September 14th

Back to School Night, 3rd - 6th

September 15th

School Closed - Rosh Hashanah 

September 26th

6th Grade Car Wash ( click here for flyer! )

September 17th, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm



Yes, we still have items in our Lost and Found!

Bus Contact Information

For any bus-related concerns please contact Mrs. Byrnes at 973-398-3583, ext. 8 or wegroup@sussexcoop.org    

Roseland HSA

Want to contact the H.S.A.? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com

Visit the HSA website by clicking here !

Roseland Recreation Department Events

Click here to view the latest!


Click here to view a video from the Roseland Public Library!