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HIB Info

Mr. Raul Sandoval
Anti-Bullying Coordinator

973-226-7644 ext. 389

Mrs. Lynn Cummings
Anti-Bullying Specialist

973-226-7644 ext. 372

School Climate State Coordinator HIB@doe.nj.gov



August 18, 2021

August 18, 2021


Dear Noecker Families,  


We hope this letter finds all families healthy, safe and ready for the 2021-2022 school year.  The staff and the administrative team have been working diligently preparing for September and we are excited to see everyone very soon.  Please see below for updates and important information:


New Noecker Staff

We are excited to welcome the following staff members to the Noecker family: 


  • Taylor Ross - Kindergarten Teacher

  • Maria Benevenia - Special Education Teacher

  • Michael Peck- Special Education Teacher

  • Meredith Del Bello - School Social Worker

  • Stephanie Bonder - Maternity Leave Replacement for Mrs. Santos

  • Colleen Currao - Instructional Aide

  • Francine Lambroschino- Instructional Aide


Health and Safety

Please review and return the Roseland School District Health and Safety Commitment 2021-2022 School Year. By doing so you commit to adhering to our health and safety guidelines, communicate potential exposure to the School Nurse, and quarantine when deemed necessary. Please note that the Health and Safety Commitment will be re-issued several times throughout the school year. All students must bring a signed copy assuring the guidelines are met on the first day of school.


Please refer to the August 2nd community letter and note that additional information regarding health and safety protocols will be provided prior to the start of school on September 9th. Masks are mandated for school buses and indoors at Noecker School.


Please remain aware of the travel restrictions for quarantining for unvaccinated individuals. Unvaccinated travelers quarantine after travel for 7 days with a negative PCR test OR for 10 days without a PCR test . Please check the CDC’s Domestic Travel pages for the latest recommendations for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers. Domestic travel is defined as lasting 24 hours or longer to states or US territories other than those connected to New Jersey, such as Pennsylvania, New York, and Delaware.


Teacher Assignments and Bus Information

Please log in to the Genesis Parent Portal by clicking here to access your child’s teacher assignment (bus information will be available next week via the portal).  The link is also available on our website under the parent section.  If you need assistance with the portal, please contact Mrs. Overbeck at coverbeck@roselandnjboe.org .     


This year our transportation provider continues to be Sussex County Regional Transportation Cooperative .  For transportation concerns please contact Mrs. Byrnes at (973) 398-3583, extension 8 or wegroup@sussexcoop.org


For the first and second week of school we ask that you and your child arrive at the bus stop 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time (pick up time will be listed in the Genesis Parent Portal).  We also encourage you to take your child’s temperature prior to leaving the house.  Their temperature will also be taken prior to entering Noecker. Buses may also initially run a bit later during the afternoon; we thank you for understanding as drivers learn their routes.


If selecting to waive transportation, even temporarily, complete this form and return it to the Main Office, Attention: Mrs. Robi Dallow ( rdallow@roselandnjboe.org ) as soon as possible.



Please review the 2021-2022 Chromebook Guidelines and sign and return pages 13 and 14.  Students in Grade 4-6 will be assigned a Chromebook to take home.  Feel free to join us this evening, August 18th, via Zoom at 6:30 pm to learn more about Chromebooks, G Suite, and more: Click here for Zoom link!


Daily Schedule

Please be advised that there will continue to be no morning recess. Students will continue to report directly to their homerooms upon arrival.

PreK - AM 9:00-11:30 / PM 12:30-3:00

K-6 Arrival 8:40 AM - 8:50 AM

School Begins 8:50 AM

K-6 Dismissal 3:20 PM

*Lunch Will Be Served (A mix of indoors, socially distanced and outdoors)*

The *Y Program* will be available AM and PM (973-992-7500)


Special Education

Case Management - With the addition of Ms. Del Bello, our new School Social Worker & Case Manager, the Child Study Team is hard at work finalizing caseloads before the start of the new school year. Should there be any changes in your child’s Case Manager, this information will be relayed prior to the start of school on September 9th. 


Related Services - Due to the shortened first week of school, and so as to ensure ample time for therapist scheduling, related services (Speech, OT, PT, Counseling, etc.) will begin the week of September 20th. 


Please note that all IEP and parent meetings will be virtual due to our visitor policy and Health and Safety Guidelines.  


I&RS Action Plans and 504 Plans

The I&RS and 504 Committee will reconvene in September to review plans, share plans with relevant staff, and schedule meetings.  


Please note that all parent meetings for I&RS and 504 will be virtual due to our visitor policy and Health and Safety Guidelines.  


Arrival and Dismissal Procedures

We will continue with the same arrival and dismissal procedures from last year.  Please see the Arrival and Dismissal Maps in the August Mailing Folder.  


PikMyKid Dismissal App 

(If you used the PikMyKid app last year, your information will be rolled over in September) 


For dismissal we use the PikMyKid app , which is available for Apple and Android phones.  The app allows you to do the following:

  • Announce that you are on school grounds and ready to pick your child up

  • Notify the school of pick-up changes

  • Authorize others to pick-up your child

  • Alert you when your child has been picked up or sent home on the bus


The registration process is easy and we ask that all parents register with the phone app as soon as possible.  Several resources are included in the August Packet to help you understand how to use the app and assist you with this transition. Please make sure you register with your personal mobile phone number or the app will not allow you to access your child’s information for security reasons.


If you do not think the school has your mobile number on file or if your child does not appear in your app’s home page, contact support@pikmykid.com after registration, with your child’s name, school, grade, and updated contact information for you.  Anyone who will be picking up your child should also register themselves with the app. Their screen will be blank and they will not have any authorization until you allow it within the app.  


Important Links


Wishing you a restful end of summer break.  We look forward to seeing you in September.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact us.




Deanne Somers, Superintendent  

Raul Sandoval, Principal 

Richard Celebre, 

Director of Special Services