April 21, 2021
Please keep children home if they have ANY COVID-19 Symptoms .
Thank you for your attention to the travel, health, and safety measures! |
A Note from Deanne Somers, Superintendent
We are so excited to share the updates to our Reopening Schedule ! Onsite instruction, five days a week (8:45 AM - 1:05 PM) begins Monday, April 26th! Hurray! Please see Tuesday’s e-blast for additional information.
It has been an enormous undertaking creating a schedule which safely accommodates all of our students onsite while also supporting our remote students! Please see the April 26th Step X Reopening Plan Information on our district website. Included are Arrival/Dismissal updates and a new Reopening Plan Highlights Presentation . We thank you in advance for your understanding and flexibility!
A Note from Raul Sandoval, Principal
Arrival & Dismissal: I want to thank you all for your cooperation with our new arrival and dismissal procedures. Now that we have seen how our new procedures work, we have made a few changes. The changes will ensure that all students are safe and that arrival and dismissal runs as efficiently as possible. You can find an updated map and a letter with a brief description of the changes by clicking here.
Our Y Aftercare Program has been expanded to accommodate the 1:05 PM dismissal schedule beginning April 26th. The West Essex Y.M.C.A. will provide an Extended Aftercare Program from 1:05pm - 6:00pm. The program will provide homework support, snacks, outdoor play/physical activity, safe socialization, and enrichment. The tuition is $150 per week. A $50 registration fee will be charged at the time of registration (waived for current program participants). Y members receive a $10 discount per week on tuition fees. The new program would start the week of April 26, but spaces are limited. If you have any questions please contact Ava at 973-992-7500, ext. 1703 or email acollazo@metroymcas.org
SEL Parent Workshops
As we shared earlier, we will be offering parent workshops for Noecker families. The offerings include:
April 27th - Navigating Through Loss and Adversity
May 10th - Raising and Empowering Resilient, Self-Reliant Children
May 25th - Coping With Adversity: Adaptive Skills to Build Resilience
June 2nd - Being is Doing: Supportive Communication Practices
The workshops will be presented by Jesse Bassett, Director of Education for Good Grief. Workshops are 60 minutes and begin at 6:30pm via Zoom. Please see click here and here to view the flyers for all four workshops. If you have additional questions please contact our School Counselor, Mrs. Cummings at lcummings@roselandnjboe.org .
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! Please click here to view the flyer.
RSVP for Kindergarten Virtual Open House
Last call! It’s still not too late to join our Kindergarten Virtual Open House on Thursday, April 22nd at 6:30 pm. Please RSVP with Mrs. Dallow at rdallow@roselandnjboe.org
The Roseland Public Library is honored to host the Lester C. Noecker's 6th Grade Artifact Museum Exhibit. Come and view the artifacts the 6th graders have made to visualize history! The exhibit will be held from Monday, April 12th through Saturday, May 1st. Click HERE for the library’s hours and website! Thank you, Noecker 6th graders, and Thank you, Roseland Library!
On Monday, April 26th at 6:00 pm, it’s National Family Code Night. Please click here for more information. Thank you to our very own, Ms. Clarke for registering Noecker. We hope you will join in on a fun and educational night!
Message from Maschio’s
To celebrate Earth Day 2021, and add a little fun to this crazy upside down year, Maschio’s Food Services green committee – Sustainable Maschio’s - invite you to participate virtually in our Earth Day Contest! Please click here to view our flyer. Click here to take our recycling survey. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
CHANGE! Breakfast and Lunch Distribution - Starting on Monday, April 26th onsite meal distributions will be Mondays and Thursdays for Grades K-2 and Tuesdays and Fridays for Grades 3-6. Students will continue to take meals home.
A Note from Rich Celebre, Supervisor of Special Services
As we continue our focus on Autism Acceptance Month, the students have had the opportunity to watch videos and discuss topics such as Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) (“Loop” by Pixar) and sensory processing. Our staff and students have discussed how these elements of life can be different for everyone, and what we can do to support and accept those differences.
We are all very excited to have students back in the building for 5 day a week instruction starting this Monday, April 26th. Looking ahead, our related service providers are currently working on rearranging schedules so as to accommodate for all of the changes and potential impacts it may have on student availability. Please, be on the lookout for correspondences regarding your child’s times for their services. If, by the end of the week, you do not hear - please, reach out directly to the service provider or your Case Manager to confirm your child’s time. I thank you all, in advance, for your continued support and collaboration as we work our way through any potential hiccups in transitioning to our next phase.
For your Calendars:
This week! Thursday, April 22nd, the SEPAC will be holding their next Parent Collaboration Meeting @ 7PM .
Helpful Links:
Remember to check the Special Services Google Site for teacher updates, assignments, and other useful information.
For helpful resources, please utilize the SPAN Resource page .
Also of note, our Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a great resource that is available.
Like the Roseland SEPAC Page on Facebook !
that you are aware of the travel guidelines and that your child has NOT traveled within the last 14 days.
that your child has not been exposed to a positive individual or someone waiting for test results.
that your child does NOT have COVID symptoms.
Please see the form or the COVID-19 FAQ & Dashboard for additional information.
Important Notes From the School Nurse
Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health screenings such as vision, hearing, scoliosis, and heights and weights will be postponed at this time. Please contact Nurse Noronha if you wish your child to be screened.
It is IMPERATIVE that any student who has been
exposed to a positive person,
traveled outside of the immediate area,
is in a household with a symptomatic person, OR
has any COVID symptoms (see below), not attend school.
Quarantine timelines vary depending upon exposure, test results, and travel, so please communicate promptly and contact Nurse Noronha for assistance.
Please keep your child home, including siblings , if he/she has any COVID-19-like symptoms or has been exposed. If someone in the house is being tested, household members should likewise remain home until the test results come back and next steps can be determined. Thank you! |
TWO or More Symptoms
Keep Child at Home and Notify the School |
One or More Symptoms
Keep Child at Home and Notify the School |
Muscle Aches
Sore Throat
Nausea or Vomiting
Congestion/Runny Nose |
Shortness of Breath
Difficulty Breathing
New Loss of Smell
New Loss of Taste |
Essex County Covid Vaccine Video . You can schedule a vaccine or a test at www.essexcovid.org |
Attention 5th Grade Families ! Certain vaccines are required prior to entering 6th grade. Please click here to view an important letter.
Roseland HSA
Want to contact the H.S.A.? Please email them directly at: Roselandhsa@gmail.com
Visit the HSA website by clicking here !
Autism Acceptance Month |
Kindergarten Virtual Open House - Please RSVP with Mrs. Dallow at rdallow@roselandnjboe.org |
Thursday, April 22nd at 6:30 pm |
Thursday, April 22nd @ 7PM |
NEW Daily Schedule Begins!
Monday, April 26th |
Monday, April 26th |
Parent Workshop |
Tuesday, April 27th |
Roseland Board of Education Meeting |
Thursday, April 29th ( virtual ) |
Scholastic Book |
Wednesday, May 12th |
FREE breakfasts AND lunches available for Noecker students - click here !
Transportation Contact Information: For any bus-related concerns please contact Mrs. Byrnes at 973-398-3583, ext. 8 or wegroup@sussexcoop.or g
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, health screenings such as vision, hearing, scoliosis, and heights and weights will be postponed at this time.