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Roseland Special Education Parent Advisory Council

A Message from the Roseland SEPAC.

What is SEPAC?

SEPAC is a state-mandated, district-level, parent-driven group charged with providing input to the local school district on system-level challenges
in special education and related services.

To learn more please view our “Welcome to the Rosland SEPAC” presentation

SEPAC Informational Presentation

Our Mission Statement :

To build a collaborative partnership among parents, staff, and administration, fostering transparency within the Special Education program in
Roseland. Together, we aim to enhance communication, understanding, and support to ensure the success and well-being of all students, with an
emphasis on those with Special Needs.

Our Executive Council Members:

1.     Co-President – Cynthia Sellitto
2.     Co-President – Patti Franchino
3.     Vice President – Karina Fuentes
4.     Director of Outreach – Christine Cerutti
5.     Outreach Lead – Sanmeet Kaur
6.     Director of Correspondence – Alissa Stroker
7.     Correspondence Lead – Jannet Parra

Our By-Laws:

Roseland SEPAC By-Laws Jan 2025

Member Registration

Parent Registration - Google Forms

The purpose of registering with Roseland SEPAC is to join as a member.  We need parents and families to build a strong, effective and supportive
SEPAC. All Registration information will remain completely confidential. 

Find us on Social Media:

Facebook - Roseland SEPAC

If you have questions or would like to learn more about the Roseland SEPAC, please contact us at

Thank you!


Best Regards, 
The Roseland SEPAC 
Executive Council 

Roseland SEPAC

Special Education Parent Advisory Council

The Roseland Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a volunteer group of parents and guardians that provides input to the district as well as provide resources to parents and caregivers of children with special needs. 

Fall 2021 Newsletter

ecember 2021 Newsletter

Interested in learning more? Contact

For helpful resources, please utilize the   SPAN Resource page  .

2021-2022 Meetings

Prior Year Meetings & Topics

2020-2021 Meetings