December 18, 2014

Roseland Board of Education Update
Highlights of Thursday, December 18th Meeting

Good day.  Below please find a summary of the key highlights from our December Board of Education meeting:

  • Mrs. Gross announced Marie Hardenberg as Roseland’s selected candidate for Governor’s Teacher of the Year and presented her with a framed certificate. Congratulations, Marie!
  • Mrs. Gross reviewed the PARCC presentation with the Board that she had shared with parents on Dec 10
  • Dr. Occhino shared information about the projected enrollment decline which may have a small impact on the amount of state aid received by the school
  • Mrs. DaCosta provided a summary of teacher development for PARCC and Literacy, the successful holiday bazaar, as well as plans for a school sing-along on Monday
  • Mr. Mastrangelo discussed hiring a part-time Assistant Business Administrator to supplement that role, with plans to hire a full-time BA after Dr. Occhino’s term ends in June
  • Mr. Mastrangelo announced that negotiations with the Roseland Education Association (REA) will begin in January, as the current contract expires on June 30, 2015. Matt Giacobbe, Esq will represent the Board in the negotiations process
  • The Board thanked Mr. Farina for his service over the past three years, noted his contribution in our successful superintendent search, and recognized him with a plaque. Best of luck, Rob!
  • The Board approved:
    • Unpaid medical leave for Patricia Baker through Dec 31, 2014
    • Julie Ann Kot as Assistant Business Administrator
    • Long term substitutes Elissa Freda and Jose Cotto
    • Policies on Employment of Teaching / Support Staff Members and Professional Development for Teachers & School Leaders
  • During the public comment, a parent inquired about class changes in 3rd and 4th grade. Mrs. Gross indicated this practice is under review.
  • The next Board meeting will be our reorganization and is scheduled for Thursday, January 8, 2014 at 7:30pm in the Noecker Media Center

Enjoy the winter break!
Roseland Board of Education, Communications Committee