August 21, 2014

Roseland Board of Education Update
Highlights of Thursday, August 21st BoE Meeting

Good day.  Below please find a summary of the key highlights from our August Board of Education meeting:

  • Mr. Mastrangelo provided an update on the Superintendent search
    • A special meeting is set for next Wed, Aug 27 at 5:30pm to approve our new Superintendent
  • Dr Cleary provided the following updates
    • Overview of Student Growth Objectives (SGO)
    • Initial review of NJASK scores showed improvement, more details will be forthcoming
    • Grades K-2 will test on SAGES to determine possible eligibility for Gifted & Talented
    • Stronge teacher evaluation training for the consortium will be hosted here
  • Ms Dacosta provided updates about school opening preparation
    • Advisories for 5&6th grades will be offered this year, one core and one optional
    • 6th grade reps have been planning the year’s activities
    • New teacher orientation to be held next week
  • The Board approved:
    • Curriculum for the upcoming year
    • Multiple teacher aides
    • Purchase of new bench tables for the cafeteria
  • The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 18th at 7:30pm in the Noecker Media Center.
Roseland Board of Education, Communications Committee