January 23, 2014

Roseland Board of Education Update

Highlights of Thursday, January 23 Meeting

Below please find a summary of the key highlights from our January Board of Education meeting:

  • Dr. Occhino provided an overview of the upcoming budget process and timing, with the preliminary budget due in early March
  • The Board completed first reading on mandatory policies regarding Evaluation of Teachers, Teaching Staff Members, Administrators, Principals, Vice Principals and Assistant Principals
  • The Board approved:
    • Revised policies regarding Evaluation of Superintendent, Nonrenewal of Nontenured Teaching Staff Members, Certification of Tenure Charges, and Nonrenewal of Nontenured Support Staff Members
  • Mr. Mastrangelo informed the Board about Governor Christie’s proposal for a longer school day and year, which will be watched with interest, as well as the Board’s ability to negotiate longer contracts of up to five years, (up from three) which offer additional options for the next negotiation process.
  • Mr. Mastrangelo thanked the Board members for their ongoing service and dedication as part of School Board recognition month
  • During public comment, parents of kindergarten students expressed to the Board their concerns that the return of Ms Barone from maternity leave later next month could impact their children, and requested investigation of options to have Ms Safir complete the remainder of the year
  • The Board sends its condolences to Mr. Rutzky, who lost his step mother this week.
  • The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 27 at 7:30pm in the Noecker Media Center

Roseland Board of Education, Communications Committee