February 27, 2014

Roseland Board of Education Update

Highlights of Thursday, February 27 Meeting

Good evening. Below please find a summary of the key highlights from our February Board of Education meeting:

  • The Board discussed where in the calendar to add two additional school days required to make up due to snow. Mr. Rutzky shared results of the parent survey where 67% of parents preferred adding the days to April break, and 33% preferred adding days to end of school year in June. West Essex is adding their day in April, and the Board also discussed that if another snow day is needed, it would also be added to the April break on Wednesday.
  • Mr. Rutzky indicated Miss Safir will complete the remainder of this school year in her current role of Kindergarten teacher
  • Mr. Rutzky provided an update on progress against our four District Goals for this year.  Click here  to view PowerPoint.
  • Dr. Occhino provided an overview of the upcoming budget process and timing, with the preliminary budget due March 20 which requires Board approval. Rather than hold a special meeting, the Board decided to change the date of the next meeting to Thursday, March 13 at which time the preliminary budget will be presented.
  • Ms. Dacosta provided highlights of major activities over the past month such as kindergarten orientation, the school play, and science fair.
  • Committee updates
    • Finance committee met to discuss initial budget for 2014-2015
    • Building & grounds committee met with architect to review security options based on audit results
  • The Board approved:
    • Addition of two (2) school days (12:45 dismissal) to the April break on Mon, April 14 and Tues, April 15
    • Mandatory policies regarding Evaluation of Teachers, Teaching Staff Members, Administrators, Principals, Vice Principals and Assistant Principals
    • Medical leave for Ms. Pam Ernstrom (thru June 1) and Ms. Cara Cunha (thru March 21)
  • During public comment, Ms. Eccleston (kindergarten teacher) indicated how proud the teachers were of all the students who participated in the school play.
  • The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 13 at 7:30pm in the Noecker Media Center.

Roseland Board of Education, Communications Committee